


Important Information You Need To Know




Tomorrow is registration day!!


In order for all of you to have a wonderful experience, we would like to share some very important information with you.

Indemnity forms:


Please see the indemnity form. This form needs to be signed by walkers and supporters and emailed back to by the 18th of October. There will be another opportunity to do so at the registration. No one will be allowed on the ferry or the island without a signed indemnity form.




Upon registration everyone will receive a ferry ticket. The walkers will receive their race pack. For those who haven’t signed an indemnity form beforehand, this is another opportunity to do so. Please bring your proof of ID.

Date: Friday 19th of October 2018

Where: The Nelson Mandela Gateway, Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, on the platform on the left side of the entrance.

Time: From 2pm until 6pm

We urge everyone to come on Friday, but for those who cannot make it, we will also be able to assist on Saturday 20th of October, from 6.30 AM to 8.30 AM



African Centurion 2018 Treats & Spoils!




With 4 days to go, we thought we’d share with you some of the goodies you will be experiencing at #AfricanCenturion2018 from our participating event partners.


Den Anker

A Belgian restaurant situated at the V&A Waterfront, known for their delicious food and amazing Belgian beer selection, will be giving our walkers a free beer in their race packs as well as a voucher to redeem another free beer when having a meal at their restaurant. YUM! 


 LA Barista

LA Barista bespoke coffee, will be serving not only their delightful coffee but also yummy pancakes. Look out for their mobile stand on the island and indulge yourself!


 Think! Shoes

After walking 100 miles in 24 hours, your feet will want to be treated and pampered. Think! shoes is a unique healthy shoe brand designed in Austria and handcrafted in Europe and are so comfortable that you’ll feel like you’re walking on clouds. Enjoy your R250 voucher you’ll receive from Think! shoes in your race pack! Redeem your voucher against your first online purchase or pop into one of their country wide stores.



What a treat to have CosmoCafe onboard serving us all the most delcious comfort food during the event. Their menu caters to all tastes and their love and passion for great food will delight your senses and tummy!


 Consol Glass

In your race pack, you’ll find a 500ml Innovation Grip & Go glass bottle! Everything is better in glass and this lovely gift from our friends at Consol Glass is an ideal container for whatever you choose to drink. Consol has been forming glass for over 70 years with a fundamental part of their mantra being: From The Earth. Through Fire. To Perfection.



A treat for the senses! Suntoy will be lighting up a 3km stretch of the walk with their beautiful solar jars. This installation will guide you along the path through the darkest part of the island until you reach the next light at the end of the tunnel. Suntoy creates “Theatre in a Jar” with their portable solar powered lanterns that store energy during the day and releases light at night. It’s a fun, eco-friendly and sustainable alternative light supply that makes it easy to go green!


 Mandela Tea

With the event happening on Robben Island and celebrating 100 years of our dearly departed President Nelson Mandela, this tea brand is the perfect partner for African Centurion 2018! In your race pack you’ll find samples of this delish 100% organic South African tea. When you purchase Mandela Tea you’re also doing good, as a portion of Mandela Tea’s profits are donated to benefit the Mandela Day School Library Project. Enjoy!


 Earth & Co

Earth & Co is a division of Tacoma Foods and they’ll be giving you some yummy treats to snack on while you walk. In your race pack you’ll find an utterly indulgent, high fibre snack, in the form of Toasted Coconut Chips. Made from the dry-roasted shavings of Nam Hom coconuts, these chips have an intensely coconutty taste. Ideal for vegans – and a delicious treat for everyone to enjoy. You can also use these Toasted Coconut Chips to add extra flavour and texture to your baking. Alternatively, enjoy as is as a delicious way to satisfy a sweet tooth!




How To Prepare for a Long Distance Walk


Photo by Tegan Mierle on Unsplash


Now that you’ve secured your entry and with only 12 days to go (eek!), we’re sure that you’ve started your training regime? You will need endurance, not speed, and you want to build mental stamina so that you are able to walk at least 4.2 miles per hour to finish in 24 hours (if you don’t stop to rest or sleep). Below are some tips and advice to help you along in preparation for #AfricanCenturion2018.


As we’ve said in a previous blog post, make sure that you have the right shoes and that you’ve “walked them in” before you wear them on the island. They need to be comfy and supportive and allow your feet to breathe.


Chaffing and blisters are going to make your walk extremely uncomfortable.  You’ll want to keep your feet dry and lubricated and you also need to strongly consider lubrication to prevent painful chafing at your armpits, crotch, thighs and chest. 


Have you decided on what you’re going to wear on the walk? Be sure to wear these outfits while you train so that you know that you’ll be 100% comfortable when you wear them for the duration of the walk. Also be prepared for wet and cold weather conditions. You’ll be walking around an island so expect weather & wind changes along the route. Cape Town is renowned for its “wind chill factor”. TIP: Choose wicking fabrics that allow your skin to breathe and cool itself.


When you are walking for hours at a time, you need to fuel your body and make use of energy snacks, water, and electrolyte-replacement drinks to keep going. Be sure to get the tastiest ones that work for you.


You’ve probably heard that you should load up on carbohydrates immediately before the marathon – “Carbo-loading”. The newest thinking is that you shouldn’t overdo it. You don’t want to eat anything new or different right before the race, so do some research and once again, be sure what works for your body. 


Consider a diet that is a mix of 70 percent carbohydrates, 20 percent protein, and 10 percent fat. Avoid high protein diets as they can cause problems with dehydration and result in straining your kidneys under endurance walking conditions. The rule: Train with the same food, drink and snacks that you’ll eat on the walk.


If you’re on any medication, please check with your doc how this would affect your performance or if there are any dangers you need to take heed of. You may also want to take painkillers or stimulants along the way so please ensure that these won’t be harmful for you.


If you’re going to take breaks, make them short. The body stiffens up pretty fast during breaks and it can take several minutes to get back into the swing of walking after a long break, so if you’re planning to sleep, please be prepared for this. Take walking breaks instead—keep walking but at a very slow pace.


We will be there to support you and cheer you on. We’re also on hand to help if you need it, so come prepared and enjoy yourself. You’ve taken the first step already! 

Happy walking!




The First 60 Minutes…


Photo by Lilian Velet on Unsplash


We all know that walking every day is really good for you and is often overlooked as an activity that is genuine exercise. Chemical changes happen in your body the longer you walk…here is what you can expect (and look forward to!)


1 – 10 Minutes


  1. The minute you start walking, your body starts releasing energy chemicals that prepare you for the walk.
  2. When you start walking, your heart rate increases – usually from 70 to 100 beats per minute.
  3. When your heart rate starts increasing, blood flow is stimulated and boosted and the muscles start to warm up.
  4. Your blood pressure will start to spike a little, but not to worry, the chemical that your body is releasing will expand the blood vessels and sort this out. More blood and oxygen is then sent to the muscles.


11 – 20 Minutes


  1. Your body temperature is now on the rise which is great because you’re starting to sweat and the blood vessels near the surface of the skin start to expand and release heat.
  2. As your walk intensifies, you’ll be burning up to seven calories every minute – YES!
  3. You’ll start to breathe deeper and two hormones namely, epinephrine and glucagon levels rise in the body to fuel your muscles. Epinephrine is an adrenaline hormone – freely available to you after a 20 minute walk!


21 – 45 Minutes


  1. At this point endorphins start to release in the brain and your body releases tension and becomes more relaxed. Treasure and remember this feeling – the memory might serve you well a couple of hours in!
  2. Your insulin levels will drop significantly and you’ll start burning more fat! Bonus!!


45 – 60 Minutes


  1. At this point all the above mentioned benefits will be exceeded for longer – burning more calories, losing fat, stimulating blood flow and oxygenating your body.
  2. In the process you’ll be stimulating your heart and strengthening your immune system – how great is that!


The rest of the time…


You’ll be fighting to stay alive! We’re kidding!! It’s going to be exhilarating and the feeling of accomplishment and achievement you’ll feel at the end of the 24 hours will be unmatched! You can do it!!


Happy walking!



Advice from those who’ve done it!


Pic: Nour-Addine Ayyoub – CEO Zailab Software


In our previous post we put forward some tips on how to get you through the long walk and over the finish line in 24 hours. Here is some additional info and advice from some of those who have done it before. Thanks for sharing!


“I find getting into my breathing is key to sustained energy!!!” – Michelle Lobel 


“There will be a point in the race, usually late at night. Your legs and feet will be hurting. Your pace hard to hold. Your stomach soured. Your eye lids heavy. Your mind will say “Enough”. To become a Centurion you will have to push past this low point. You will have to overrule your own mind.” – Rob Robertson 


“Well said Rob.. after about 10 hrs simple maths become hard, you will think you are too slow you will think you can’t finish… don’t believe the lies. One foot in front of the other, never waver, never stop (except if you have the trots- in my case from nerves I think – take an Imodium the day before just in case, it takes a few days to work). Drink properly and regularly … alcohol free beer is good! Enjoy it.” – Dave Ingram 


“Beware of the chair! Avoid sitting down unless absolutely necessary. If you haven’t already done so, do a night time long training walk. Get used to both the dark and walking when tired.” – Richard McChesney 


“In my first long distance event I met a guy who gave me this advice ..
Get as many miles in and you can, and then just hang on in there!” – Bernie Johnson


Please keep sharing your thoughts and advice with us. Check out our Facebook page and post away!


Happy walking in the spirit of UBUNTU!





Helping You Go The Distance



Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash


“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”

– Mahatma Gandhi


Let’s face it – you’re already a champion for signing up to do the African Centurion 100 mile walk in 24 hours! It’s not everyone’s cup of tea and certainly not for the feint hearted, so good on you!

It’s no doubt going to be gruelling, but some of you have done it before so you know what to expect. For those novices out there, here are a few tips to get you through the journey.


  1. Load up your iPod with motivational tunes or even music with subliminal messages – your brain will process these and help you along.
  2. Make sure you’re well hydrated along the way and keep your strength up with some energy supplements.
  3. Make sure you’re dressed comfortably and have some shades for your eyes and a headlight for the nigh time stretch – it’s all about comfort!
  4. Ensure that your walking shoes are made for walking and are kind to your feet.
  5. Bring along some Deepheat patches, cream or spray – or any other muscle soothing applications. Don’t forget sunscreen as well!
  6. Remember to swipe your wristband at the logging stations – this will motivate you as you see your progress – one step closer to your goal.
  7. Try counting your own steps as you walk – this will be a motivating distraction.
  8. If you’re doing the walk solo, get yourself a walking friend and keep each other motivated.
  9. Promise yourself a special treat if you finish the 100 miles – and an extra special reward if you manage it in the 24 hour time frame.
  10. Don’t stare at the path ahead or down at your feet…take in the beautiful surroundings of the Island. You may see some wildlife along the way and the ocean route is breath taking.
Enjoy it! You can do it!



These Shoes Were Made For Walking!



      Photo by Jairus Gallimore on Unsplash


It’s not only going to be loads of fun doing the #AfricanCenturion2018, but as some of you already know, it’s grueling, challenging and not so kind to your feet especially if you don’t have the right support! When selecting the correct shoes for walking, consider the following:


Are my shoes lightweight and comfortable?

If you’re going to make it to the finish line in the 24 hour time frame, you certainly want to avoid calluses, blisters, burning feet and heavy drag. Your shoes should be lightweight and fit your foot correctly and comfortably and at the same time provide good shock absorption.


A stable friend

No, we don’t mean someone to carry you on their back – although if that’s something you can organise, go for it! – we mean that you should be sure that the shoe you choose provides support, cushioning and stability. Consider the shape of your feet and where you apply the most pressure on the foot when you walk. This is where you’ll need to compensate. Your shoes should conform to the shape of your feet and never vice versa.


These shoes were made for walking


Great walking shoes will have most, or better still, all of the below attributes:


Insoles – these should be removable so that they can be refreshed and/or replaced during the walk. Good insoles provide support and cushioning for your arch and foot.


Midsoles – consider where you place the most pressure on your foot when you walk. This is the area where you would need to ensure a gel, foam or air midsole for your shoe.


Outsoles – as this is the part of the shoe that makes contact with the surface of the route, ensure that the tread provides traction as you walk.


Upper – a good upper will firmly (and comfortably) hold the shoe on your foot. Uppers can be made of various materials and although the preference is yours, mesh is a better option as it provides better ventilation and is lightweight.


Achilles tendon protector – should you happen to meet a Helen of Troy  along the route, be sure to have an Achilles heel protector! It locks the shoe around the heel of your foot and relieves stress on the tendon.


Heel collar – a great accompaniment to the tendon protector as it cushion the ankle and ensures proper fit.


Toe box – the area on and around the toes are notorious for blisters and calluses. Ensure that your chosen shoe provides enough space around the toes – a round toe box is the best option.

And you’re on your way to the finish line…


Watch Michelle Lobel getting her game on